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Mama Rising

Discovering the New You Through Motherhood
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Are you struggling to figure out who you are now that you're a mama?
Do you feel like you're coming last in your own life?
Do you feel guilty for not loving every moment of this motherhood gig?

As someone who used to put themselves last-doing everything she thought was 'right' for her children and family, but not really listening to what her body and her spirit was begging for-Amy understands...See more

Are you struggling to figure out who you are now that you're a mama?
Do you feel like you're coming last in your own life?
Do you feel guilty for not loving every moment of this motherhood gig?

As someone who used to put themselves last-doing everything she thought was 'right' for her children and family, but not really listening to what her body and her spirit was begging for-Amy understands first-hand the overwhelm and complex range of emotions that mothers face.

Amy's background as a journalist set her on the path to uncover all that she could about the latest research on matrescence, the transition a woman undergoes when she becomes a mother. She now shares what she's learned in the hope that it will help you navigate this stage of your life.

Happy Mama includes interviews with experts, case studies and Amy's own tried-and-tested advice on how to reconnect with the woman you are underneath all that washing, cleaning and caring.

Full of useful and empowering insights that will help you change the way you feel about motherhood-and yourself-so you and your whole family can flourish.

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