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Secrets for Living the Life You Want

A Transformational Program for Creating Happiness, Freedom, and Spiritual Fulfillment
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Imagine if you could discover a power in your heart far greater than anything you ever imagined.

Imagine if you could remove blocks that keep you from fully connecting with your own wisdom, creativity, and confidence.

Imagine if you could learn how to find a center of peace and love inside of you that never disappeared—no matter what was happening around you.

Imagine if you knew how...See more

Imagine if you could discover a power in your heart far greater than anything you ever imagined.

Imagine if you could remove blocks that keep you from fully connecting with your own wisdom, creativity, and confidence.

Imagine if you could learn how to find a center of peace and love inside of you that never disappeared—no matter what was happening around you.

Imagine if you knew how to heal and release the past and break down your emotional walls so you could live and love with renewed freedom and fulfillment.


There are pivotal moments in our lives when we realize that we’ve been traveling on our path of growth toward happiness and ful­fillment, but, simply put, we’re ready for more. We know we’re being called to live a life that’s more fulfilling and expanded—we can feel it. At these times what’s needed is not simply more changes or adjustments in our outer world but profound inner transformation. We don’t just want to rearrange the pieces of ourselves so they look better temporarily. We want—and deserve—nothing less than rebirth. 

There are pivotal moments in our lives when we realize that we’ve been traveling on our path of growth toward happiness and ful¬fillment, but, simply put, we’re ready for more. We know we’re being called to live a life that’s more fulfilling and expanded—we can feel it. At these times what’s needed is not simply more changes or adjustments in our outer world but profound inner transformation. We don’t just want to rearrange the pieces of ourselves so they look better temporarily. We want—and deserve—nothing less than rebirth.

In this inspirational online course—the first of its kind—#1 New York Times best-selling author and renowned spiritual teacher Dr. Barbara De Angelis will guide you on a personal inner journey designed to open and heal your heart in a profound way that will change the way you live and love.

Barbara calls these illuminating teachings and powerful techniques Practical Spirituality, because that’s just what they are. You’ll discover how to easily tap into your own source of wisdom and clarity, and deepen your connection to the most enlightened, loving part of you so you can live in your Highest, not just some of the time, but all of the time.

“It’s your time to break free of anything and everything that is holding you back from being who you came here to be and doing what you came here to do. It’s your time to awaken, to shine, to fly.”
—Dr. Barbara De Angelis

Do you have a list of things about your life, your relationships, and yourself that you’d like to change? For transformation to be real and lasting, it must originate from the inside, so that instead of trying to constantly control and micro-manage everything, which is exhausting and doesn’t really work, you operate from true mastery at the deepest level of who you are.

When you learn how to shift yourself on the inside, everything on the outside of your life shifts.

That’s what’s so exciting about this course. It will help you create significant emotional and spiritual breakthroughs on the inside so you can manifest the life you dream of living on the outside. Places where you’ve felt stuck or confused become illuminated with new clarity and understanding. Obstacles turn into possibilities, dead ends transform into doorways, and challenges convert into hopeful, new gateways…all because you’ve shifted at the center.

"There’s nothing missing inside of you. I created this course to be a life-changing journey that will reconnect you to yourself, and to your own unlimited source of power and love already there within you."
—Dr. Barbara De Angelis

For more than 35 years, Barbara has guided tens of thousands of people to live happier and more joyful lives. She’s no ordinary teacher, and so this course is not merely a series of lectures. It’s a genuine emotional, intellectual, and vibrational journey full of remarkable wisdom, heart-opening revelations, and deep healing, laughter, and love.

Now for the first time ever, Barbara has brought together the best wisdom and demonstrations—the same transformational techniques and most effective emotional healing exercises and guided meditations that have only been available at her live workshops and study programs—and is offering them to you.

This course will teach you how to live with real freedom—the freedom to reconnect with the power of love in your heart, to push past the walls and protections, and dissolve the blocks so love can flow more fully into all of your relationships and bring you true intimacy and fulfillment. It will give you the freedom to stop making the same mistakes or getting stuck in the same places. And you’ll emerge with the freedom to express the whole, authentic you, and to live with new confidence, clarity, and genuine peace.


• You have always felt you’re here for a special purpose, and are ready to remove all the barriers to living as the most powerful you possible

• You’ve been feeling something more calling to you—more vision, more freedom, more expansion—and want to feel more clear and confident to take your next step

• You’ve ever asked yourself questions like: “What is my purpose in this life? Why is it that sometimes I am my highest, most loving, wise self, and then other times, I feel lost, disconnected, and confused? Why aren’t I living as the person I’m supposed to be?”

• You know you aren’t as loving toward others and yourself as you should be and want to learn how to open your heart and experience more happiness and harmony in your relationships

• You’re ready to stop getting stuck in the same emotional and mental patterns over and over again and get rid of your emotional baggage

• You long to create a refuge of peace and steadiness inside that will support you no matter what’s happening on the outside

• You’re tired of trying to control everything, and want to trust yourself and the Universe more

• You’re ready for more power, more joy, and more love!

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