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Card Deck Card Deck

Louise Hay's Affirmations for a Stress-Free Life

A 12-Card Deck for Greater Calm, Balance, and Ease
List Price Original Price: $9.99 HayHouse.com Current Price: $7.00 (save 30%)
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In this fast-paced world, we sometimes allow the busyness around us to translate into stress—stress in our daily workplace, with our loved ones, and most common, we carry stress in our...See more

In this fast-paced world, we sometimes allow the busyness around us to translate into stress—stress in our daily workplace, with our loved ones, and most common, we carry stress in our bodies.

Living a stress-free life means letting go of the past, so be willing to release the need to be right about how stressful your life is. Every day gets easier and easier when you know that you're doing the best you can. One of Louise's favorite affirmations is: "All that I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me. I trust myself, and I trust Life." By using affirmations, you are giving yourself the power in your world.

With this beautiful, empowering card deck, you can learn how to let go of fear, embrace change, and create a stress-free world for yourself!

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