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The Adventures of The Soul

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Join world-renowned Psychic Medium and Spiritual teacher James Van Praagh for this informative and insightful Online Course, as he assists you in re-connecting with the true nature of your being, your SOUL.

From lifetime to lifetime, our soul crosses through the rivers of time and gathers experiences for its own knowledge and expansion. Every experience and memory you have ever encountered...See more
Join world-renowned Psychic Medium and Spiritual teacher James Van Praagh for this informative and insightful Online Course, as he assists you in re-connecting with the true nature of your being, your SOUL.

From lifetime to lifetime, our soul crosses through the rivers of time and gathers experiences for its own knowledge and expansion. Every experience and memory you have ever encountered is deeply imbedded into your soul and is now and forever is part of its DNA.

By taking part in this Online Course, you will attain the enlightened awareness and understanding of your true soul nature. You will receive answers to some of life's most perplexing inquiries such as: What motivates you? Why do people believe a certain way? Why do some have a difficult life and others seem to breeze right through life? Come join James and remember the true essence of your being.

Lesson 1: What is the Soul? Understanding Your Soul’s Nature
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Our course begins with James discussing exactly what the soul is. He shares his own personal understanding of the differences between the BODY, the SOUL and the SPIRIT and gives a comprehensive of how each soul vibrates at a certain frequency, color and tone.  In this course various levels of consciousness and energy are also discussed.  James will further explain the most common means of soul communication, which is POWER OF THOUGHT and how to utilize it in a constructive manner to bring about the realities your soul may want to experience in this lifetime.  The power of thought is also the method which the souls from the Spirit world utilize in order to communicate with us.  James will spend the last part of the lesson doing “Soul readings” for callers bringing forth their soul make up complete with all its gifts, desires, limitations and fears.

Lesson 2: Soul Memories; Uncovering Your Truth
Tuesday September 30, 2014
This week’s lesson focuses on bringing to the surface of your consciousness mind many of your on-going soul patterns, memories and experiences your soul has carried with it from life time to life time.  In this profound and moving lesson, James will guide you in a soul life regression and uncover blocks, fears and limitations being expressed from former prior lives.  You also will be lead in a mind journey exercise to connect with your celestial counselors and assist you in understanding the strong lessons your soul has chosen to come back to learn this time. You will gain innate knowledge and insights from the place you truly reside.  By being made aware on a conscious level of what motivates us and what we are attracted to, it assists us in the understanding of ourselves and our connections to all those other souls who are part of our current soul’s journey.  James will once again open the phone lines to speak with you and answer any questions you have regarding your experiences and the soul connections you have with those souls who have passes to the other side.

Lesson 3: Soul Lessons – What You Are Here to Learn
Tuesday October 07, 2014
As souls, we are infinite beings with unlimited potential who inhabit a human body on earth in order to learn lessons and create love.  By using his JOURNEY OF THE SOUL LESSON 44 card deck – in connection with this course, James will guide you in attuning yourself to your souls GPS or intuition and receive soulful wisdom and guidance in order to become aware of the exact lessons your soul is here to learn.  With this inspired deck, James will perform various “soul spreads” to assist you in how to “read” and become aware of the current lessons and curriculum you have signed up for.  He will also define each of the “most common” lessons such as love, forgiveness, compassion, etc…and provide you with a better understanding of how they appear in your life and how to integrate them for your soul’s advancement.  To further gain soulful insights, James will finish the course by assisting you in quieting your mind and turning inward through a thoughtful and healing meditation.  The phone lines will also be opened for you to share your insights, questions and soulful experiences.

Lesson 4: Soul Choices ; How To Live a Soul-filled Life
Tuesday October 14, 2014
When a soul demonstrates its free will on Earth, it can change the course of its own human life and the lives of those around it, or even the whole planet.  This week’s course will focus on the impact and responsibility we have in regard to our every day choices.  By learning how to become more “mindful” of our choices, we can begin to spiritually evolve and live a life of satisfaction and love.  Today,  James will share with you various techniques and methods for you to implement in order become aware of what motivates your current decision making process.  He will also guide you on a “mind-full” meditation for you to open up and become more “soul-conscious.”  When we take the steps necessary to be more present, we attract a more appealing, exciting and soul-filled life and in turn it affects are very existence.  James will finish the course with sharing your phone calls. See less
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