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Why Marry a Millionaire? Just Be One!

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Are you struggling with debt?
Do you have a dream to fire your boss and get out of your job?
Want to get paid to do what you love?
Are you ready to retire but don’t have enough money put away?

If you keep doing what you’ve been doing and expect different results–that’s insane! It’s time to create the wow of now, a daily legacy, and love and live richly. That is what this two hour audio download...See more

Are you struggling with debt?
Do you have a dream to fire your boss and get out of your job?
Want to get paid to do what you love?
Are you ready to retire but don’t have enough money put away?

If you keep doing what you’ve been doing and expect different results–that’s insane! It’s time to create the wow of now, a daily legacy, and love and live richly. That is what this two hour audio download is about!

Most boomers have only saved $10,000 for retirement.
Three out of four elderly women live in poverty.
95% of all Americans over 65 are broke.
50% of divorces are because of money or the lack of it.

The old paradigm of doing business as “usual” isn’t working.
Working in a cubicle for 40 years waiting for a two-week vacation?
How is that working for you? It’s not, is it?

Join Wendy Robbins, author of Why Marry a Millionare? Just Be One! . . . and while you’re at it, change the world!, and learn to create a new prosperity paradigm for your life. Discover new ways of doing things that support your magnificence, and honor your purpose, passion, and power. Wendy was fortunate enough to go from being homeless and being in $10,000 credit card debt to make millions with The Tingler™ head massager.

Here’s a special message from Wendy:

I’ve been on my own since I was 14, been homeless, and lived in a car. So if I can do it, so can you. I made a lot of expensive mistakes, and don’t want you to make the same time-sucking chaotic and unhealthy choices I made. You have better things to do with your life then waste them with “business as usual” stuff that doesn’t work. Right?

It’s time to create a revolution. The financial systems are broken, outdated, and so are a lot of our beliefs about money and about our self-worth. If you’re like me, you may be holding onto thoughts that limit you and you may be tired and frustrated with old stories that keep you broke, stuck, unfocused, cynical, resigned, and feeling like you don’t deserve to be wealthy. I want you to have permission to be rich.

I’m blessed to star in a TV series with Kelly Ripa where I coach women inventors to bring their ideas to the Home Shopping Network. I charge $1,000 an hour and rarely do personal coaching anymore. So this is an awesome opportunity to connect and to humbly introduce myself to you.

I’ll share details on how to create step-by-step million dollar systems and how to pitch yourself and your company, product, or service so buyers want what you have. I’ll teach you how to live like a millionaire–even if you’re broke now!

Maybe you aren’t sure what to do, but you do know one thing—you need to do something different right now so you’re not one of the 95% of broke people eating wieners wondering, “Why didn’t I take a chance on myself? Why didn’t I risk? Why didn’t I read and follow, Why Marry a Millionaire? Just Be One!” Or you may be thinking, “Why didn’t I at least engage in a meaningful, life changing conversation?” So here is your chance!

--Wendy Robbins

Testimonials about Wendy:

Mark V. Hansen, co-author of Chicken Soup For the Soul, says of Wendy: "I am your biggest fan and promoter. It's so great that people get to hear your turned-on message."

Robert G. Allen, best-selling author of The One Minute Millionaire says: "This is a book you gotta read! I loved the way this book gets in your face right from page one. Just like Wendy, this book is electric. It's mind-expanding, and playful, and bright, and full of life. Get it."

T. Harv Eker, best-selling author of Secrets Of The Millioniare Mind says: "Why Marry a Millionaire? Just Be One! shows you how to become financially free, balanced, passionate, and live a powerful life. If you want to make a dramatic difference in your life now, read this book!"

"Wendy's can-do attitude is a breath of fresh air in today's frenzied world of business. Her tips are easy to adapt and make becoming a millionaire seem utterly attainable! Wendy's gift isn't merely her incredible expertise on how-to; it's her amazing ability to transform women's self-image that truly makes her a superstar!!! And in a perfect world, our Wonder-Woman Wendy would definitely make house calls!"--Stacey Schieffelin, president of ybf (your best friend), with a 14-year record in direct sales on Home Shopping Network cosmetic and apparel sales in excess of $150 million.

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